not many more dinners here. oh the unioun, you have served me well. i even ran past this pub naked once when i got locked out. but thats a whole story in its own right.
a great meal they did, but i got tim the chef in the new house so its allll good.
max and me and dion went to the drive in. no its not as homo as it sounds.
great fun at the sketchy diner there
i shot things. fun fun fun indeed,
i also took a friend on a helicopter ride. in phillip island, was an amazing day for sure.
it was a perfect day
we arrived there safe and sound to our chopper
dials and dials
before we flew to the heavens we went and got lunch. it is amazing down there for sure. really beautyfull.
the water felt good on my toesys.
u do not want to know what this is.... you will never guess. deep fried battered mars bar. yes mars bar... i know what the hell is the world coming too!!!!
back to the chopper. this was the people before us.
then up we went
this is where we ate lunch, from a very different view.
awwww pretty
it was really amazing up there
grand prix track
thanks so much nick. landed safe and sound. if any one is keen to go contact me and we'll hit it up!!!!!
what better way to end a great day than a feast of a bbq at the new to be residence.
damn good.
FOLLOWING DAY WAS ANOTHER GOOD ONE. every sunday i go with tattoo tim and his mrs for breakfast we been doing it for a couple of months now.
breakfast is served, i even had a lamb chop in mine, but the service was a bit slow.
and done
then off to tims work for some fun... well kind of fun
getting things ready
the last time in my lifetime my left upper arm will look like this. i had an old button up shirt i pulled the sleeve off but i pulled the wrong sleeve off so i then had to pull both sleeves off and i sat there looking like a gay cowboy of sorts
behind the scenes
stencil getting put on in the right spot.
yup perfect lets get this thing going.
sit the hell down so we can start!!!
getting there
pretty much done. i look like shit as it actually hurts, anyone who says differently is full of shit.
and this is it about aquarter done, needs alot of shading, detail and background etc, but enough for one day.
enjoy bye bye
1 comment:
Hey Jose, All looks fab - haven't checked it out for a while. Your helicopter ride looks like it was in a teeny tiny ine - nice and squeezy! It looked amazing - perfect day for it or what!?! Where were photos of your travelling companion??? Tri[ to the snow looked cool - ha ha. I want to go too!! Your tatt looks sore! Is it one of your own sounded ick on the phone the other day - I dont know how you do it!! Phils told me this doesnt have to be a letter and he wants his machine back.. Bye. Becky
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